We are living in a strange world. It is strange because we are living in best of times. There is abundance of the basic thing we need for a long life – Abundance of food and a safe environment. In developed and developing countries like India we would rarely see or hear in news about any death due to starvation. The environment we are living in safe where rate crime is reducing day by day and for last centuries War was major reason which caused million to loose their life, their wealth. However, the last major war we have seen was World War 2 and it has been quarter of a century ago. 

Yet we all are at war, we all are living in this strange world where even living in the best of times we are not free, we are all trapped constantly in war with ourselves with our temptations, with our greed with the world who wants to impose a way to living which is not necessarily the right way. This way is not good for us neither for the blue dot in space we call our Home. 

The idea that is feed into all of us is be successful in life you have to be rich. But very few define the very meaning of being rich. 

Does is mean to have 10 crore rupee?

Does it mean to have 5 bungalows in the best of location in India?

Does it mean having the latest of gadgets, foreign trips and indulging in latest fashion? 

Conventional wisdom will give an obvious answer as YES

What if you have a 10 crore rupees but hate the job our business you are in. 

You have 5 bungalows’ but you don’t have time to spend with you near and dear.

You have the latest gadgets and the luxury of life but maintain the lifestyle is burning you out.

The time we are living in is punishing for the Poor, middle class and the rich if you don’t know how to live well. 

It punishes the farmer who would take debt for crops and it get destroyed due to untimely rain.

It punishes the salaried that would take debt for Home, fancy car and then get laid off from a job at the age of 40 with family and kids to support. 

It punishes the rich with the ever changing business environment and technology which are becoming more unpredictable than ever.

What is Finzaadi

Finzaadi is to live a life where you achieve Financial Freedom. But achieving financial freedom is more than just having enough money saved. It is to –

– Freedom to do what you want and love

– Have a clear mind which does not get trapped in a materialistic world

– Free from a consumption mindset

– Freedom from unnecessary clutter in your life

– Free from any health issues

– Free from any self doubt 

– Freedom in a real sense so that you can change the world

Finzaadi is to achieve a meaningful life where you do not worry about finance because money does not control you, you control it.


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